• Stops hair loss and increases the volume of your hair

    42.60% of men and 33% of women suffer from alopecia. However, 90% of these cases are reversible.

  • Results in 15 days

    Even before! Once a day, every day, and they will ask you what you have done to yourself.

  • 90% natural and without side effects

    Natural, scientifically tested and without side effects. Much more effective and healthier than any oral solution.

Our clients love us!

  • "My hair was falling out by the handful every time I showered because of stress. I started using Pulsage and within a couple of weeks the amount of hair that fell out had reduced a lot. The funny thing was that my hairdresser asked me what I had done, as she noticed that I had more hair, and that it was stronger and shinier. I recommended it to my close circle, especially my brother."

    Eva, 47 years old. Teacher

  • "Since I was 25 years old my hair started to fall out and now it's been a few years since I had a lot of ingrown hairs. My sister recommended Pulsage, and it's been great! Now my friends don't make the typical jokes about my ingrown hair, they ask me what I've done."

    Marc, 37 years old. Businessman

  • “Hace 2 años que fui madre y me daba terror que me empezara a caer el cabello sobre todo con la lactancia. Después de buscar y preguntar en varias tiendas ecológicas, me recomendaron Pulsage y la verdad es que estoy encantada. Empecé sin muchas expectativas, pero como es 90% natural tenía claro que daño no me haría. A día de hoy sigo usándolo porque ha frenado en seco la caída de mi cabello, y me nace nuevo cabello más fuerte.”

    Maria, 30 años.
    Directora de Marketing

  • “Sinceramente ya no sabía qué hacer, no me dejaba de caer el cabello y empezaba a tener zonas que claramente tenía menos cabello. Me tomé las típicas pastillas que todos los chicos nos tomamos, pero me di cuenta de que no era nada saludable. Probé Pulsage porque mi pareja vio un anuncio. Estoy encantado y doy gracias a que haya marcas que apuesten por productos eficientes y naturales.”

    Pedro, 35 años.